Local governments without dedicated transit funding slash bus service
Two more local governments — the City of Independence and the Unified Government of KCK/Wyandotte County — are slashing bus service due to rising costs and the lack of a dedicated funding mechanism.
Both governments fund transit from general revenue.
Independence: https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/independence-to-suspend-bus-services-in-2025-citizens-concerned-with-iris-replacement
UG: https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article292982934.html
These reductions are on top of similar cuts in Gladstone, Raytown, and Grandview in the last year.
KCRTA’s strategy is to advocate for county-based dedicated sales taxes that voters could approve separately, rather than voting on the same rate or at the same time (like the bi-state election that restored Union Station).
Stay tuned for more details on this strategy in 2025!